Book Review. Győrfi Dénes’s Bibliotheca Universitatis Claudiopolitanae. Evoluția instituțională și practici ale lecturii în Clujul Universitar
Publicat 2021-12-09
Cuvinte cheie
- library history,
- library management,
- cultural institutions,
- acquisitions
Copyright (c) 2021 Papers in Arts and Humanities

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Cum cităm
This book review is presenting a published PhD thesis concerning the history of the library of the university of Cluj, from its foundation until 1945. The book is dealing with three distiguishable periods, the 1872–1918 period, during the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy; the period of 1918-1940, the era of the Great Romania, and the third period is represented by the years of World War II. Based on a rich bibliography, the author is following the major processes concerning the institutional management of the library.