Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Space

Stars and Planets as a Divine Source of Design: Talismanic Shirts

Havva Meryem İMRE

Published 2023-07-27


  • astrology,
  • design,
  • symbol,
  • geometric forms,
  • talismanic shirts

How to Cite

Stars and Planets as a Divine Source of Design: Talismanic Shirts. (2023). Papers in Arts and Humanities, 3(1), 96-117. https://doi.org/10.52885/pah.v3i1.124


For centuries, people believed that supernatural forces would solve the problems and disasters that they could not know the source of and could not solve. They tried to protect themselves by using objects and formations that they knew or believed to be sacred. Human beings living on earth believed that they were under the influence of the stars and the planets. People have benefited from the positions of the stars and planets in determining the appropriate time to find solutions to the problems in life and to gain success. They have applied to astrology for these purposes. In the production of talismanic shirts, which are designed with the belief that they will protect the wearer from evil, help from astrology taken by paying attention to the positions of the planets and stars.At the same time; space, planets and stars were also considered as design images on the shirts.

In the production of the shirts, the fabric has been given the feature of paper and the positions of the stars and wanderers have been transferred to the shirt by creating a composition with prayers. The first example of works known as talismanic or healing shirts are found in the Qur'an, in the chapter of Yousef. The first example of the talismanic shirts found in the Topkapı Palace from the Ottoman Empire period is the shirt of Cem Sultan dated 1477.The shirts are decorated with prayers, verses, vekfs, cefrs, which are in a visually strong composition in certain forms and are in connection with each other, were custom made without the use of sewing.

In this study; Inspired by the stars and planets, the talismanic shirts, which’  production timing was determined according to the positions of the stars and planets, were examined. For these purposes,a literature review has been made and some shirts have been examined and visualized.

Keywords: Blessing, Shirt, Planet and Stars, Design, Talisman



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